Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award

Lifeboat 12

This riveting novel-in-verse is the story of thirteen-year-old Kenneth Sparks and his experience on a lifeboat after surviving a torpedo attack during World War II. This is truly an edge-of-your-seat survival tale based on a true, but little-known disaster. The book has a broad genre and audience appeal. It will appeal to children of all ages.



Burg, Ann E., Unbound: A Novel in Verse.

Grace’s mamma makes her promise to “keep her eyes down and her mouth closed” when she leaves their slave cabin to work at the big house. Grace cannot remain silent as she witnesses the cruel treatment of slaves at the hands of a heartless missus and master.  Her spoken thoughts trigger a series of events which force Grace to lead her family through the Great Dismal Swamp in search of freedom.


Full Cicada Moon


In 1969, twelve-year-old Mimi and her family move to an all-white town in Vermont, where Mimi’s mixed-race background and interest in “boyish” topics like astronomy make her feel like an outsider.



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